
Docker Cheat Sheet

#Download CentOS 7 base image

docker pull centos:centos7

#Run container with name, host network, auto-start and host share

docker run --name myContainer -v /host/directory:/container/directory --network=host --restart=always  -it myContainerImage

#Rename Docker image

docker tag Old_Image_Name_OR_ID New_Image_Name

#Save container to image

docker commit Container_Name  Image_Name

#Show mapped ports

docker port ContainerName

#Start Container

docker start Name_or_ID

#Stop Container

docker stop Name_or_ID

#Attach to container

docker attach Container_Name or ID

#Attach to bash in container

docker exec -it Container_ID /bin/bash

#Exit container without killing it (when “always restart” isn’t set)

Ctrl pq

#To save docker image as file

docker save -o <path for generated tar file> <image name>  
///-- docker save -o myContainer centos:7

#To load docker image from file

docker load -i <path to image tar file>   
///--- docker load --input myContainer.tar

# View docker container logs

docker logs Container_Name_or_ID -f   #<--- -f to tail 

#Add user to Docker group

usermod -aG docker $USER

#Remove all stopped containers

docker rm $(docker ps --filter status=exited -q)

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